Recently I heard a former Blue Angel, Rear Admiral William Newman, speak. In 1978/79 Admiral Newman was the Commanding Officer/Flight Leader of the Blue Angels. The leader is called “The Boss.” He is responsible for calling by radio the flight moves. This is done as the planes are flying next to each other at over 450 mph.
I took some notes and below apply them to the practice of law. I think they also apply to other professions or endeavors:
Have a Set Method. When flying next to each other at over 450 mph and changing the formation without changing the space between planes the Blue Angels must have a set method. To not is to risk a fatal accident.
Working a legal case involves legal life or death to the client. Years of experience has taught me to have a set method. This means all cases are taken in the same way. All discovery is done by a set method with client involvement in the same way in every case. Trial preparation is done the same way. I have found by applying a set method without deviation mistakes rarely happen. We are thoroughly prepared and ready to fly into trial in an organized formation.
Concentration. This is essential for the Blue Angels. Without concentration mistakes happen. The same is true in law. When I go to work I am well rested and focused on the task at hand. When I am dealing with a client the client is first and foremost in my mind. I listen. This allows me to internalize key facts and the nature and extent of my client’s injuries. This results in legal representation at the highest level.
Trust. With the Blue Angels there is trust between the pilots. They trust the other pilots are performing at their highest level. This gives them confidence in relying on one another as they travel at high speeds a few feet from each another.
With my staff and me there is trust. They take their jobs seriously. They come to work focused and prepared. They work at their highest level. They know I am doing the same. There is also trust between our client, and my staff and me. We know our client takes her case seriously. She keeps appointments and deadlines. She is honest and forthright. She knows we are dedicated to her case and trusts us. Trust allows us to work together with confidence.
Keep the Team Together. When flying next to each other at 450 mph there can be no dissension. There must be team spirit. It is the job of the Blue Angel “Boss” to keep the team together.
This is my job as “The Boss” in my law practice. Keeping the team together is done through example, praise, and professional camaraderie. All staff are treated equally. Although I am the boss, my staff knows I respect them, value them, and listen to them. They know we are a team. We work together to give the highest level of leg
Continue to Develop. Although the Blue Angel shows have similarities to past years, and there is an established tradition, they continue to develop. Planes change with technology. Nothing remains stagnant.
This is true in my law practice. My staff and I continually up date our technology. We continually review our systems and make improvements to stay with technology and new developments. By continuing to develop we continue to fly at our highest level.
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I wish more people would write blogs like this that are actually helpful to read. With all the fluff floating around on the net, it is rare to read a blog like yours.
Thanks man. That has been interesting knowing.
that’s very good info