We all have fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Fear of success. To have fear is to be alive. To have fear is to understand risk. To have fear is to know something is at stake.
As a trial lawyer I have fear. Most trial lawyers have fear, especially going into trial. Accept fear as a good thing. When we lose fear we lose a valuable emotion. An emotion that makes us better. Better assuming we continue to walk into our fear.
While at Trial Lawyers College I wrote this poem for my son:
Walk Toward Fear
Fear is my friend.
Without fear my life should end.
All that is unknown brings fear.
Facing fear makes the unknown clear.
The fear of failure causes stagnation.
But to venture forward brings origination.
Nothing new happens without walking toward fear.
And growth comes from moving near.
So embrace fear as a gift.
A gift that gives life its lift.
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