I discovered Stanislavaki years ago reading an article in Litigation Magazine titled “Stanislavski in the Courtroom.” The article introduced me to the great acting instructor and how his “Method Acting” is applicable to the courtroom. This led me to study Stanislavski.
From studying Stanislavaki’s “method” I see how it applies to trials, particularly jury trials. It also applies to sincerity and the elimination of a fake persona. It applies to getting in touch with emotions and living in the moment.
Stanislavski’s first rule is truthfulness, meaning honesty at all times. Do away with phoniness, pretense, and the desire to act in a way to please others. Truthful expression comes from the heart. With honest expression there is no doubt. Honest expression results in sincerity in voice, facial expression, and body language. The listener connects.
Truth, which is usually simple and straightforward, is inviting to the listener. When truth embraces our whole being it has a way of sinking deeper into the mind of the listener reaching the subconscious mind. This invokes positive emotions in the listener. This creates an unconsciousness bond between speaker and listener.
The opposite occurs when an agenda, pretense, or phoniness is involved- a rehearsed from the mind alone message. Here tone of voice, facial expression and body language tell the listener this is a surface message, a message calculated to convince, and it is not the truth. A gut reaction against the message occurs, as it is processed as “phony.”
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Great post. Thanks!