Being A Humble Trial Lawyer

According to Thomas Merton “[t]rue humility excludes self-consciousness… .” Thomas Merton, Seeds of Contemplation at 112 (New Directions 1949).

A  humble trial lawyer is beyond thinking of themself. Their focus is with their client, the pursuit of justice and accomplishing this at trial. In this state  there are no illusions to defend. The humble trial lawyer’s movement is free.

The humble trial  lawyer “can do great things with an uncommon perfection because [they are] no longer concerned about incidentals, like their interests and reputation, and therefore they no longer need to waste effort in defending them.” Id. at 113. A humble lawyer is not afraid of failure. They are not afraid of anything, even themself, since perfect humility implies perfect confidence in the power of … [believing in themself and their client’s case] … so there is no such thing as an obstacle.”Id.




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