In the words of Stella Adler a first generation student of Stanislavski: A great Trial Lawyer is their own material. They learn to control it so they can use it at will. When trained in the fundamentals of ACTION, IMAGINATION, IMPROVISATION and CHARACTERIZATION they are ready. They are prepared to proceed with the study of the case. They analyze the trial as a whole. The trial’s line of action. In trial they focus on the given circumstance, the problem, and action over emotion.
The trial is a collective creation that expresses in visible, audible and rhythmic images. This means real manifestations of imaginary life, places and people. This is done with clear, precise and natural feelings and emotions of the soul. A trial lawyer is a citizen of the world. They have three qualities: Confidence, Knowledge of Tradition, and a Capacity for Growth. Their goal is to experience in the present moment.
If Stella Adler is asked to describe The Method she says: The Method evolved from the first generation of Stanislavski’s Students. It has to do with psychology, remembering past experiences, and the self. The Method uses exterior means to show the interior reality of the self. The Method represents a kind of naturalism, with its chief concern being truth. The internal always relates to the external, with the whole machine powered by action.
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