C.S Lewis in Mere Christianity teaches there are sins of the flesh and sins of the mind. To Lewis the greatest sins of these two sin categories are sins of the mind. Lewis maintains the worst sin of the mind is to think we are better than another. Thus, to Lewis the sanctimonious long time church goer who judges the prostitute entering church as a sinner and non worthy is a greater sinner than the prostitute.
William Blake goes further saying the only sin is the accusation of sin. “Accusation in any of its forms, is a negative judgment, and a negative judgment in any form ruptures relationship-the classical definition of sin.” Joseph Chilton Pearce, The Biology Of Transcendence (2002) at 128.
Both are correct. To hold myself superior to another is wrong and a badge of arrogance and conceit. I must remember we are all made up of the same cosmic stuff. We are all in constant motion. We are all in this together. No one’s cosmic stuff is better than another one’s cosmic stuff.
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