My second year college student son asked me yesterday what I believe is the meaning of life. He said Nilihism teaches life is without objective meaning, purpose or intrinsic value. Although he is not accepting the nihilistic conclusion on the meaning of life, he doubts people who say they have the answer for instance a religious fundamentalist.
On reflecting on the meaning of life I think the answer is life has the meaning we give it. In that the meaning of life is what we choose to have the meaning be. I do think there is no right or wrong choice so long as we live our life being true to our heart, and we leave the world a better place.
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Thanks for a nice post.
The atheist tried to address this but never really went beyond the suggestion that we should pretend our lives have meaning even though they really don’t. That is if the happiness of others or the betterment of society has no meaning then working towards one of them is simply arbitrary.