Third Week of February-Peak Value and Career Value


The baseball writer/statistician Bill James refers to baseball players having both peak value and career value. Peak value refers to the player’s performance during the best years of his career. Usually this is when the player is between 26 and 30 years old. Career value refers to the player’s performance over his career.

Life can be looked at in the peak value career value way. We can think of many examples of famous people and not so famous people who have a few great years and then flame out to ashes. We also know people who never flame out. These people have “life career value.”

People who have life career value keep going in adversity. People with life career value stay productive throughout their life. People who have life career value foster quality relationships. People with career life career live life as a marathon. They finish the race. They may hit a wall from time to time, but they continue through and accomplish quality in their chosen pursuit and in their relationships.

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