This last thought of the year is in the nature of a New Year’s resolution- Strive for a Balanced Life.
Financial /Work. The only hope for financial security is work. Lucky I love it. Key is save money annually. Take advantage of tax laws; place maximum amount in retirement account. Eliminate debt.
Family / Social. Spend time with family. On deathbed will not think “damn I wish I had spent more time at office.” Social life too. Have own time. Golf with guys.
Health/Physical. Practice zen habits. Eat right, breakfast everyday, dinner before seven, no junk (or not much). Regular work out: nordic-trac, weights, yoga, tai-chi, biking, walk and carry golf bag.
Spiritual/Mental. To each his own, but there is something beyond, not old angry man in sky. Get to level of relating with universal force. Live in present, appreciate life, life and death become one, leave world a better place.
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Thought for the New Year- Balanced Life | Zen Lawyer Seattle…
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