This post discusses the traits of a good lawyer.
Helping People. A good lawyer cares about people. Law is a people business, and a good lawyer likes people. He enjoys being in a profession where he can make a difference in a person’s life by taking care of a legal problem. He understands a legal problem creates stress, and one of his roles is to reduce stress to his client.
A Listener. A good lawyer is a good listener. When he is meeting with his client he focuses on his client. He listens attentively. He internalizes what his client tells him so he can identify with his client’s legal situation.
Willing to Help Potential Client. A lawyer talks with a potential client before taking the case. A good lawyer discusses the client’s legal situation in a meaningful way even if he choses not to take the case. Often he will refer the potential client to a lawyer better equipped to take the case. When the legal problem is one where the potential client can solve herself the good lawyer tells him her how to do it herself. On simple matters the good lawyer does this without charging a fee.
Standing for Justice. The good lawyer stands for justice and speaks out when something is illegal or unfair. He does this even when speaking out will be at his peril. This is because the right to fairness runs through the veins of the good lawyer. This also means the good lawyer defends unpopular people and causes. He does not judge his client. He represents his client with all his ability knowing she is entitled to the best representation without the personal judgment of the lawyer.
Fairness in Fees. The good lawyer has a sense of fairness when it comes to attorney’s fees. He does not automatically charge all he is entitled to charge under his fee agreement. In a contingent fee case he does not make more then his client. In an hourly case he discourages litigation when he can obtain a fair result regardless of being able to make a higher fee going to court. In a flat fee case he ensures his fee bears a relationship to his work and the value of the result.
Professionalism. The good lawyer cares about the legal profession. He realizes young lawyers are the future. He mentors and helps young lawyers become good lawyers. The good lawyer is courteous to opposition lawyers. He treats them with respect and as equals. The good lawyer is pleasant to legal staff, to court staff and to judges. He remembers the motto “You never know who you are being nice to.”
Sleep Well. The good lawyer sleeps well. This is because the world is a better place because of how he practices law. In spending his time helping people, he has benefited his client and society. The fees he has made are fair in relation to what he has given back to his clients and to society.
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After you have narrowed down the list you should contact the two most likely lawyer choices. Then ask for a consultation. If the wait is too long the lawyer probably doesnt have the time your legal problem deserves and needs. During the consultation you have the ability to evaluate the lawyer and decide if you want to hire her.
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