Constantin Stanislavski teaches to be true to our feelings. We trust our feelings without trying to manipulate them, which brings “false action.”
In a trial we stay away from testimony or argument directed at arousing a feeling for its own sake. Following this rule prevents artificiality. Testimony and argument stand on its own. We must never seek to add emotion in a calculated way. As taught by Stanislavski all true feelings and emotions are the result of the internalization of the feeling of the experience.
It is proper to think of the previous experience when preparing for testimony or argument. This is the way to associate the past feeling with the present testimony or fact. When testifying or arguing, let the result produce itself rather than consciously trying to bring the feeling to the fore front- like trying to push the river.
This may seem like a subtle distinction, but it is significant. Thus for testimony use the feeling at the time of the experience when preparing to testify. For argument use a past similar experience and reaction when preparing for the argument.
At the time of testimony or argument, never consciously try to invoke feeling. Rather just testify or argue and allow the feeling to rise to the surface on its own; it will rise and flow with the testimony or argument without trying to invoke the emotion and feeling. This is because true emotion and feeling reproduces itself.
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