This Fourth of July I am focusing on acceptance. Acceptance to me means lack of prejudgment. Acceptance means assuming another person has good qualities, Acceptance means finding the good qualities by engaging in nonjudgmental discussion. Even if we disagree there can still be acceptance.
Acceptance requires honesty. So long as we are truthful and willing to listen to each other we can find commonality. Commonality as in mutual respect even when we have different view points. Even with different view points we can remain honest with one another and respect mutual honesty and willingness to openly discuss differences.
The world would be a boring place if we had no differences. Different races, different economic backgrounds and different ages give us variety. We can learn from others who are different than us so long as we are willing to accept the other person for who they are and what they have to offer.
When we accept the other person, the other person recognizes this. The other person may not change their view, but we accept each other. Differences combined with acceptance make us a great nation.
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