Years ago after a jury trial a juror referred me to Garr Reynolds’ Presentation Zen. I continue to use Mr. Reynolds’ teaching to connect which is important for us all.
As taught by Reynolds in any conversation I need “connection.” Without connection my listener is left with emptiness. Through connection I bound. People relate to me when I connect.
Movement and body language are important for connection. For movement I continue to practice Tai Chi, study body language and the zen concept of living in the moment.
In jury selection this means staying away from the past and the future. I guard against thinking about what I want to discuss instead of listening in the moment. I listen, engage, and connect with the other person. As stated by Reynolds there is an energy when I am present. This energy is experienced by the listener.
My body language conveys relaxation. When I relax my listener relaxes. When I am uptight my listener is uptight. Through Tai Chi I know to be soft and balanced. I breathe deep-into my naval-rather than shallow in my chest. My position is balanced and natural. My hands stay in the “zone of truth” which is waist high moving in and out as I speak.
To connect I accept the listener even when I disagree. This makes the listener more likely to accept my message. Through Tai Chi I know strength is through non-resistance. Resistance is a turn off. Non-resistance makes a friend. The “friend” I make may be a member of the jury. Even when the person initially disagrees his frame of reference is open to the possibility my message should be accepted. Through non-resistance and acceptance I have a chance to reach agreement and acceptance.
I also meditate to shed fear. Fear comes when I worry about defeat. This happens when I think ahead to the result. I stay in the moment and engage with my listener. By recognizing I lack control over the result, but have control over myself in the moment, I am able to move in the present, relaxed, balanced and engaged. This gives me the best likelihood of connecting which gives me the highest likelihood of success.
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