First Week of November-Play the Hand You’re Dealt


Recently I was talking to a young lawyer who has a Down’s Syndrome child. The child is a go getter and a constant joy. He told me a story of a an older lawyer he met who has a Down’s Syndrome child who is now 45 years old and working at Microsoft. The man is happy, close to his family and contributing to society. Everyday he makes someone smile. We can learn from the little boy and the 45 year old man:

Believe in Yourself. First, believe in yourself. The little boy and the man do not doubt them self. They accept who they are and move forward to to be the best they can be.  Like the little boy and the man accept who you are and where you are. Recognize you can contribute.

Do the Best with What you Have. Second, use the talent you have to make a difference. Think of life as a tug of war with each member of the team tugging as hard as possible. Use your unique qualities to make life better for others.

Never Quit. Third, never quit on yourself. When the going gets tough and you want to give up remember the Down Syndrome guy at Microsoft. He goes to work every day, he does the best job he can, and he never quits on himself. He only knows one way to go and that’s to enjoy every day, move forward, and make the world a better place.

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