Our nation’s most significant holiday is the Fourth of July. This is when we celebrate our independence as citizens of the United States. To me John Phillip Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever musically memorializes the emotional pride in being an American citizen.
This Fourth of July Kristina and I are going to Seattle Center to watch a Naturalization Ceremony where 500 immigrants will become United States Citizens. We will then participate in a voter registration event where we will register the new citizens as voters.
These new citizens have made a conscious choice to study for and pass the test to become a United States Citizen. These new citizens will promptly enroll and become registered voters. These new citizens will participate in the next election at both the federal and state level. These new citizens will respond to a jury summons and participate as a juror in a civil or criminal trial. These new citizens have a fresh appreciation of The United States Constitution, and the individual rights that guarantee our freedom.
On this Fourth of July I am reflecting on our Constitution, on our freedom, and on how as a trial lawyer I have a role in protecting the rights of individuals who have been harmed. I look forward to seeing the American citizens serving as jurors in my next jury trial.
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