A few years ago I read Eckhart Tolle, The Power Of Now. This week I am reminded of his book. The premise is simple. Live in the present. As Tolle explains we have a choice to continue to rehash the past either condemning yourself for past mistakes or reliving past glory days; live in the future usually by telling yourself if this and that happen I will be happy; or, live in the present. By far the hardest of the three choices is to live in the now. This is because mentally it is easier to live in the past or imagine the future.
The problem with living in the past or imagining the future is both are at the expense of the present. To appreciate where we are now, to experience where we are now, to accept where we are now is hard.
But hard is good. And living in the present is good. It is the only way we can excel. By living in the present we dedicate ourselves to being the best we can be each moment. Forget the past. Do not fret about the future. Be the best you can be now.
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Q My question is this Are we living in the past present and future all at the same time? Louis Missouri ..Dear Cynthia. In many spiritual traditions it is believed that past present and future are part of one whole.
When we live in the past and future it is at the expense of the present. This is the point of living in the present meaning appreciating what is happening now without cluttering the present with thoughts of the past and/or future.