In the summer of 1922 a Paris newspaper asked its readers to comment on the following hypothetical:
An American scientist announces the world will soon end. What do you think will be the effect on people when they hear the news.
First Celebrity: “The masses will be driven into church or into the bedroom.”
Second Celebrity: “People will shed all inhibitions as their actions will cease to carry long term consequences.”
Marcel Proust:
Life will suddenly seem wonderful to us if we are threatened to die. Just think how many projects, travels, love affairs, and studies our life hides from us because they are made invisible by our laziness which, certain of a future, delays them unnecessary.
But if all this threatened to become impossible forever, how beautiful life will become again.
In our normal life negligence deadens desire. Yet we should not need a cataclysm to live life today.
Alan De Bottoms, How Proust Can Change Your Life.
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